The most interesting phenomenon of the last month or so, at least from a bibliophilic perspective, has been the arrival of a new way to buy and sell books online: 免费翻国外墙的appThe idea followed in the wake of the cancellation of multiple traditional physical book fairs as a result of the coronavirus. By my count there have already been at least seven virtual fairs, beginning with a digital version of the Paris Book Fair opening on April 23 and followed by fairs organised by IOBA, PBFA, Marvin Getman, ABAA, ABA (“Firsts”) and, most recently, the Rose City Virtual Book Fair.
For those who did not join in, the fairs were basically of two types. The first group consisted primarily of a listing of “exhibitors” with links to PDF catalogues available for browsing. This replicated the fair lists that are now regularly sent out by many of the dealers as a preview of what they will be offering in their booth at a traditional physical fair. For many dealers the sales generated by these lists often exceed what they receive at the actual event. In this way the virtual fairs were able to do much to compensate revenue lost when planned-for fairs did not take place.
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I am very interested in hearing the comments from other buyers and sellers who participated in any of the VBFs that have just taken place.
Did they find them a good way to buy or sell?
Will they show up at future fairs?
Will the old-fashioned book fairs return to their same prominence after the call for social distancing has been revoked?